(PCM) Any type of surgical procedure can be nerve-wracking to many individuals, but we put our trust in the doctors and surgeons performing the procedure to do their very best work and provide us with the best care possible. That is why this recent incident out a of a North Carolina is sure to send chills down anyone’s back .
It has been recently revealed that eighteen people have allegedly been exposed to a very rare and incurable brain disease which also happens to be fatal in 100% of the cases studied.
The eighteen people who may have been exposed had surgeries performed with instruments that were not properly sterilized exposing them to a degenerative neurological disorder referred to as CJD, which stands for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
It is said that the disease only effects 1 in a million people worldwide, however in the case in North Carolina, the surgical instruments were used on an individual that tested positive for CJD, and then re-used on other patients throughout the course of a three-week time period.
While the instruments were sterilized after use by the normal hospital standards, the CDC (Center For Disease Control) claims that any instruments used to treat someone who tested positive for CDJ should be completely destroyed.
Officials at Novnt Health Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina claim that the actual likelihood of those eighteen individuals actually contracting the disease is incredibly low.
Still the patients are incredibly upset and outraged at even the chance of something like this occurring. The worst part is that the disease can take several years to manifest itself, so the likelihood of any symptoms showing up soon is slim.
This situation has to be absolutely terrifying for those patients and the waiting game makes it twice as bad. Something tells us this hospital is due to get hit with several hefty lawsuits very soon, even it it is for mental anguish.
Again, we put our full trust in doctors and hospitals to do the right thing and stories like this certainly make you think twice about that trust factor.
The post Eighteen People Allegedly Exposed To An Incurable Disease In North Carolina also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.