WGAL Roof Cave-in, No Injuries

(PCM) If you tried tuning in to Lancaster County, PA’s WGAL (Channel 8), or heard a loud boom near 1300 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA, on Friday afternoon, you may have noticed that something was awry.

Heavy snow made the roof of the NBC affiliate’s studio crash in, and effectly put the station off the air.

The cave-in occurred in an older studio, and noone was shurt, but the weight caused structural damage and the building was dacalred unsafe. Lancaster Township Fire Company’s deputy cheif, Glenn Usdin said “…as of now, the building is structurally condemned. It is extremely unsafe. There has been movement of the roof and ceiling in part of the building.”

No word as to when repairs can be made and the building re-used yet.

The post WGAL Roof Cave-in, No Injuries also appeared on Television News.