American Apparel Releases Controversial Top-Less Ad

American-Apparel1(PCM) Never a company to shy away from controversy, especially where advertising is concerned, American Apparel has released a new top-less ad featuring a former Muslim model from Bangladesh.

The ad shows a completely top-less 22-year old model named Maks, who works as a merchandiser for the company, with the words “Made in Bangladesh” printed across her chest.

Maks, who was born in Dhaka, has resided in California since the age of four. The ad gives a description of Maks who claims she was raised a strict Muslim but ultimately distanced herself from her Islamic faith as she grew up and searched for her own identity.

The ad also goes on to say that Maks “doesn’t feel the need to identify herself as an American or a Bengali and is not content to fit her life into anyone else’s conventional narrative.”

The ad is geared toward raising awareness about American Apparel’s fair labor practices. All of the brands clothing is manufactured here in the States in downtown Los Angeles. The company has been put on blast several times over the last few years for their over-the-top and overly sexual advertisements. Recently there was outrage over a store-front display in New York where there window mannequins featured fake pubic hair poking out from the panties displayed.

The new ad is featured in both the U.S. and Canadian editions of Vice magazine.

The post American Apparel Releases Controversial Top-Less Ad also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.