Girl Covers Lady Gaga In Colored Puke During SXSW Performance

lady-gaga-sxsw.jpg(PCM) Not only was Lady Gaga a featured keynote speaker while out a SXSW in Austin, TX, but she also put on quite a performance on the Doritos Bold Stage at Stubbs.

Gaga invited performance artist Millie Brown to join her up on stage for the performance of her song “Swine” off her latest album release “ARTPOP”. For those that have not heard of Millie Brown, she is a incredibly well-known “vomit painter” whose work sells for thousands.

Brown stood in front of the stage and was seen chugging a bottle of neon green liquid, which turns out to be dyed milk. About half-way through the song, she hopped up on the stage and over to Gaga who was drumming at the time, stuck her fingers down her throat and proceeds to puke neon green vomit all over Gaga.

Gaga, donning a white apron for the performance, never missed a beat on the drums and then hopped up from the drums, covered in neon green vomit and began head-banging with her dreadlocked hair. She then pulled Millie up on a mechanical swine and the two of them got even more up close and personal. Millie then began chugging out of a bottle of neon blue milk and proceeded to vomit all over Gaga yet again! The audience was stunned!

This is not the first time that Brown and Gaga have collaborated together. Brown put together an “Exorcist” themed video piece with Gaga during her Monster Ball tour during which she vomited all over Gaga who was wearing a white dress.

All for the sake of art they say!  I think that might be a little too much for me!

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