Sponsored Post: Dunkin’ Donuts Unveils New Line Of Coffee Creamers

I can’t lie. I am a true coffee addict. There is nothing more appealing to me that a steaming hot cup of coffee deliciousness to get me through a busy day (or night). One of my absolute favorite go to places for the perfect cup is definitely Dunkin’ Donuts, so you can only imagine my delight when I discovered that Dunkin’ Donuts has now invented Dunkin’ Donuts coffee creamers that are available at grocers nationwide.

The new creamers will be available in four flavors which are Original, Fat-Free, Unsweetened, and of course my personal favorite Extra Extra (with extra cream and extra sugar). The creamers also come in an incredibly handy bottle making them the perfect coffee enhancement to be sure to have on hand.

Dunkin’ Donuts already prides itself on providing their customers with top-notch coffee, to which I can vouch that they without a doubt deliver, so it was only natural that they would invent creamers that are top-notch as well. Dunkin’ Donuts happens to be one of the biggest players in the coffee-to-go market, and now with the invention of their signature creamers everyone will be able to enjoy the taste and flavor of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee no matter where they happen to be.

The creamer truly does an amazing job of replicating the taste of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, so much so, that you would almost swear you had picked up a cup directly from your local Dunkin’ Donuts location. The creamers are made with real milk and cream which is exactly why the taste is so smooth and delicious. The new Dunkin’ Donuts coffee creamers are sure to be your new perfect coffee companion.

This post is sponsored by Dunkin’ Donuts, but concerns our own thoughts and opinions

The post Sponsored Post: Dunkin’ Donuts Unveils New Line Of Coffee Creamers also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.