(PCM) Several sources are reporting that AC/DC is headed for retirement after news has surfaced that they band’s 40th anniversary tour has been put on hold, as well as, work on a new album.
The band is currently back home in Australia and founding band member Malcolm Young is surrounded by his family. It is rumored that Malcolm Young is in ailing health and is unable to continue playing, although there has been no clear explanation of what exactly is going on.
Entertainment correspondent Peter Ford sparked the rumors about the band’s retirement during a recent radio interview during which he said “The suggestion is being put to me that tour will never happen and we will never see AC/DC perform again or record again”. This led many to believe that one of the band members is terminally ill, as the band made a pact several years ago that if any of them ever had to leave the band that no replacements would ever be made.
Further fueling the rumor mills a person with the user name Thunderstruck sent an email to 6PR claiming to have very good contact in Europe that are close to the band and has on very good authority that Malcolm Young has moved his family back to Australia, being that he is very, very ill and AC/DC may well be history.
In news that was released earlier this year, Brian Johnson revealed that the band had plans to work on a new album and planned a large tour to celebrate their 40th anniversary. Thus far, there have been official statements from AC/DC’s camp and other sources close to the band claim that all of this news is just a rumor.
Looks like we are going to have to wait this one out!
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