Hot In Cleveland Cast Reveals an Animated Sneak Peek Video

AA906654-8B14-4C29-B5CD-F4C1128C5E7C(TV Land) Following its debut at “Legends of TV Land” panel at San Diego Comic-Con moderated by Larry Jones (President of TV Land), here is the animated ‘sneak peek’ video for Hot In Cleveland.

In the upcoming episode, the ladies of Hot in Cleveland see what life in Cleveland would have been like if LeBron had never left and if a zombie apocalypse were to hit the city!

Highlights from the hilarious ‘Legends of TV Land’ Comic-Con Panel with Betty White, William Shatner and Donald Faison Include:

·      William Shatner showed a piece of an asteroid from a fan that was four and a half billion years old. He jokingly turned to fellow panelist Betty White saying – “Maybe you can remember.”

·      Donald Faison mentioned that it “Makes me feel old,” that the pop culture classic film, “Clueless” is almost 20 years old. Betty chimed in with “Poor baby.”

·      During the conversation Betty White flashed William Shatner a look at her gams when she playfully pulled up her pant leg. Shatner followed up with “Everything with you is sex – sex, sex, sex!” Betty quipped, “You got a better idea?”

·      Donald joked with the Comic-Con audience to “Hook a brotha up!” and increase his Twitter followers.

#HookABrothaUp and Follow
Betty White – @BettyMWhite
William Shatner – @WilliamShatner
Donald Faison – @Donald_Faison
Valerie Bertinelli – @Wolfiesmom
Jane Leeves – @janeleeves
Wendie Malick – @wendiemalick
Larry Jones – @TVLandLarry
Twitter – @hotnclevelandtv
TV Land – @tvland


Hot in Cleveland
TV Land
Instagram – @laughmoretv

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