Sponsored Post: Burger King Introduces ‘The Proud Whopper’

Fast-food retailer Burger King has come up with a truly amazing way to relate with all the various generations and ideologies of its’ customer base, with the introduction of the ‘The Proud Whopper’.

‘The Proud Whopper’ is exactly the same as the ‘Traditional Whopper’, only the outside wrapper has changed. The new rainbow-colored wrapper features the touching and thought-provoking message “We Are All The Same Inside”. In fact, Burger King has even changed their own slogan of “Have It Your Way” to “Be Your Own Way”, as a wonderful way to encourage us all to be comfortable with our own various forms of self-expression.

‘The Proud Whopper’ was introduced during San Francisco Gay Pride 2014 and sales of ‘The Proud Whopper’ will be donated to the Burger King McLamore Foundation, for scholarships benefiting LGBT college-bound, high school seniors graduating in spring 2015.

Burger King put together a video that showcased customers reactions to ‘The Proud Whopper’ and the results are quite emotional. The best part is watching the moment when the customers reach the realization that ‘The Proud Whopper’ truly is, exactly the same as the ‘Traditional Whopper’, despite their best efforts to search for a difference.

After reading the message on the wrapper that reminds us that we are all the same inside, customers appeared to be quite inspired and Burger King has done a fabulous job at supporting their variety of customers with their viewpoint on equality and equal rights.

‘The Proud Whopper’ definitely has people talking and instead of mindlessly chowing down fast-food, the campaign and slogan are actually making them stop for a second and think, which is always a good thing, especially in this day and age.

This post has been sponsored by Burger King, but concerns my own thoughts and opinions.


The post Sponsored Post: Burger King Introduces ‘The Proud Whopper’ also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.