Sponsored Post: Have A Delightful Day With International Delights Iced Coffee

While I don’t want to brag, I have to say that I consider myself to be a coffee aficionado of sorts and while I adore coffee at anytime of year, I especially enjoy trying all of the new iced coffee drinks when summertime rolls around.

However, what I don’t enjoy is going out to the local coffeehouse and having to wait in exceptionally long lines, as frantic baristas scramble around yelling out names and throw drinks together to move customers in and out more quickly. And then of course there is always that one person (who happens to always be in line in front of me) who has the most complicated and drawn out coffee order on the planet!  Where is the relaxation in that?

Also, don’t even get me started about the cost! I can hardly believe how expensive it can be to order a specialty drink, hot or cold, at many of the popular coffeehouse chains nowadays. It truly makes you wonder if all the hassle for that cup of delicious joe is really worth it, but that leads me to one of the newest discoveries.

I have found a way to enjoy that delicious coffeehouse flavor straight from my own refrigerator in the comfort of my own home. International Delight Iced Coffee provides all the taste and flavor of your favorite coffeehouse favorites without all the hassle that can go along with visiting one of these coffeehouse chains.

Grab a cup and some ice and you are good to go!  International Delight Iced Coffee is ready to drink right from the carton and will definitely leave you with more time to take a few moments, enjoy some coffee and of course relax!

This post has been sponsored by International Delight, but concerns my own thoughts and opinions.  

The post Sponsored Post: Have A Delightful Day With International Delights Iced Coffee also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.