(PCM) Last weekend, Christopher Nolan and actor Matthew McConaughey surprised Comic Con attendees with an unannounced and unexpected appearance to promote their new film “Interstellar”.
Paramount has been teasing us with snippets about the film, but with the newly released trailer we are getting a bit more of the story line.
The new clip features McConaughey pondering about humanity’s place in the universe and then showcases some epic space shuttle and deep space imagery. He appears to be on some sort of mission to save the world.
We are certainly curious as to what Nolan has up his sleeve for this film and don’t doubt that there may indeed be a few more surprises along the way. “Interstellar” will hit theaters on November 7th, 2014!
The post New Trailer For Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar Has Been Released also appeared on PCM Reviews.