Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Film Review

TMNT3(PCM) This movie is without a doubt facing an up-hill battle. Since production on ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has begun the film has been the center of criticism and speculation. Some people hear Michael Bay’s name attached, even as a producer and immediately discredit the film. These criticisms have without a doubt been preemptive, but are they unjust? Does this new age era of turtles give over-enthusiastic fanboys a film they can enjoy while providing an movie aimed at children that is possibly fun for the whole family? The short answer: sort of?

Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April O’Neil and her cameraman Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder’s diabolical plan.

The movie opens with an awesome animated sequence that was really impressive in 3d. It was very similar to the animated sequence in ‘Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows pt:1′. Sadly that was probably the best visual sequence in the entire film. The movie has a it’s moments but for the most part the visuals look budgeted. The fight scenes are pretty much CGI characters jumping and flipping around, with lots of cut aways. Theres really nothing unique or special about the fight scenes or the overall visuals of the film. Director Jonathan Liebesman was brought in to provide a Michael Bay imitation, and thats exactly what we get. There are a few over the top action scenes that are fun and enjoyable but at the end of the day it honestly looks like they were just aiming for “good enough”.

The turtles are goofy, splinter is super goofy and Shredder is pretty much a Transformer. His entire outfit is CGI. All in all, it’s pretty easy to pick this movie apart. There’s actually a scene where it’s pouring down rain, very layered in 3D yet Megan Fox and the rest of the cast are completely dry. They’re not even acknowledging the fact that it’s supposed to be raining. That’s just lazy. But this is in no way Megan Fox’s fault. Actually to Fox’s credit, she gives a believable (as possible) performance as our main human protagonist, April O’Neil. She clearly still remembers her experience from Transformers and does a pretty good job interacting with the CGI characters. Fox also does a good job delivering some of the more comedic moments in the film. Fans shouldn’t really have to much to complain about when it comes to Fox’s performance, but as for story, this film adds ridiculous and unnecessary back story to the April O’Neil character.

This movie is all sorts of silly and gives critics plenty of ammo to tear this movie apart. I would have a hard time recommending anyone go spend money to see this in theaters when there are plenty of better options (mainly ‘Guardians’.. It’s the middle of august, there’s not a lot happening). But if you responsible for young ones that are currently obsessing over TMNT the way we did when we were children, I say go for it. The movie has a runtime of a 100 minutes. Even if you can’t stand the film, im sure kids will get 100 minutes of jaw dropping enjoyment out of it and it’s small chunk out of your day. If you are an adult fanboy of the the Ninja Turtles, it’s safe to say this will be let down. The good news is now that we’ve significantly lowered your expectations, you may have a chance to enjoy this film and franchise for what it is and what its always been. A ridiculous story about four teenage turtles who learn karate and love pizza.

Stay tuned for our exclusive interview with Tohoru Masamune who play’s Shredder in the film!

The post Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Film Review also appeared on PCM Reviews.