A Look At The Most Ridiculous Excuses For Calling In Sick


(PCM) We have all had those days when the desire to call out of work even when we are not really sick have occurred. Sometimes we are looking for some more time to relax and other times there are just too many important errands to run and not enough time in the day.

CareerBuilder.com has compiled a list of some of the most ridiculous and zany excuses that people have given for calling out of work sick.

Topping the list as the most insane excuse for calling out was “I just put a casserole in the oven” … what that has to do with being ill beats us, but we can certainly understand why it nabbed the number one spot.

CareerBuilder claims that 28% of employees have called out at least one day in the last year and of that number 30% admit that they either just did not feeling like going in that day or they needed the day to relax. Another high percentage of employees confessed that they just needed the day to catch up on sleep and others blamed it on bad weather.

Below you can find the top ten list of crazy call-out excuses:

2. Employee’s plastic surgery for enhancement purposes needed some “tweaking” to get it just right.
3. Employee was sitting in the bathroom and her feet and legs fell asleep. When she stood, up she fell and broke her ankle.
4. Employee had been at the casino all weekend and still had money left to play with on Monday morning.
5. Employee woke up in a good mood and didn’t want to ruin it.
6. Employee had a “lucky night” and didn’t know where he was.
7. Employee got stuck in the blood pressure machine at the grocery store and couldn’t get out.
8. Employee had a gall stone they wanted to heal holistically.
9. Employee caught their uniform on fire by putting it in the microwave to dry.
10. Employee accidentally got on a plane.

However, if you think that you can actually get away with some of these excuses, think again. CareerBuilder revealed that a high number of employers actually do check up on their employees to make sure they are truly ill and do so by checking their various social media accounts to track their activity.

Have you ever called out sick, even when you were perfectly healthy? If so, what was your best excuse?

The post A Look At The Most Ridiculous Excuses For Calling In Sick also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.