Batman V Superman Movie Rumors: Robin Will Be A Girl?

Jena Malone May Play the Carrie Kelley Robin from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns(PCM) Will Batman’s Robin be a girl? Director Zach Snyder is on the record that he’s modeling a good bit of the Batman in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice after the fan favorite 1986 Frank Miller Batman story The Dark Knight Returns, in which Batman begrudgingly takes on another Robin. It just so happens Robin is a girl.

Some would argue it’s a bad idea to go with a girl Robin. However if you’ve read the 1986 masterpiece by Frank Miller, you’d know it was an excellent decision.

Frank Miller's Classic is Actually an Animated Feature.

Frank Miller’s Classic is Actually an Animated Feature.

If you don’t have time to read the story, be sure to rent (better yet own) the DC animated two parter released in 2013, The Dark Knight Returns. It stays faithful to the Frank Miller original and is considered by many to be one of the greatest Batman books to date.

Will it be the Carrie Kelley of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns and if so, is this the face of Robin?

The Boy Wonder is a Girl

The Boy Wonder is a Girl

If so, the question is will this Robin take on the role of Frank Miller’s Robin in The Dark Knight Returns?

Keep in mind, this is currently only credible to the level of rumor.  Remember in 2011, some sites were boasting that Justin Bieber had landed the role as Robin in the third installment of Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy.

Justin Bieber wanted to be Robin.

Justin Bieber wanted to be Robin.

Thankfully that was a rumor. Of course, Beiber does strike a good resemblance.

Regardless of if this rumor is true, should the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice even have a Robin?  While the point of Batman’s career timeline does suit a Carrie Kelley Robin, would the story be overloaded with characters?


Warner Bros. is taking a different approach in catching up with Marvel by getting right to the Justice League, instead of many solo films then an ensemble like Avengers, but there was a reason for the solo films. It wasn’t simply origin, it was to allow us to learn the characters, their flaws and positive points that gave us cause to be invested in a team up.

DC may be moving too fast in an effort to catch up. Until we see it on the big screen all this advanced information does make for great speculation.

The post Batman V Superman Movie Rumors: Robin Will Be A Girl? appeared first on The World Of Pop Culture.