Exclusive Premiere: J.O.S. Share “When Giants Walked The Earth” With PCM!


(PCM) Every so often there will be a band that comes along that seem to have their finger on the pulse of where the music realm is headed and their sound is one that truly demands to be heard. This is why we were so pleased to discover J.O.S.!

The band formed in Ealing, the birthplace of British rock in 2011 and the four piece band consists of school friends John O’Shea, Rosie Botterill, Anna Thomas and David Clarke. Having faced insurmountable odds, this is a band that has seen it all and survived it all.

At the heart of this band is their unified belief, both in each other and the music they play. Growing up in the heyday of band’s such as Nirvana and Oasis, and being life-long fans of Guns N’ Roses, the band can remember a time when rock music mattered not just to rock music fans, but to the world.

J.O.S. believe we live in an age of lowered expectations, where tweets mean more than tracks, where social media means more than song writing and where ‘Likes’ mean more than real fans. In an industry where labels would rather invest in talent shows rather than songwriters, where pop stars are porn stars, where rap stars are disconnected from their roots and where rock stars have become a distant memory, J.O.S. are dedicated to putting music back at the heart of the industry, and back into the hands of musicians.

These combined passions for what they do and who they do it for is encapsulated and brought to life in their eponymous debut EP. Recorded in just 2 days, the record draws on their influences from the past and gives the listener a glimpse of what is possible for the future.

J.O.S. will be releasing their self-titled EP (for free) on 10/31!  We can’t urge you enough to check it out, as it is certainly a worthwhile treat this Halloween.

PCM is absolutely thrilled to bring you the exclusive premiere download of J.O.S’s track “When Giants Walked The Earth” which we are sure you will enjoy!

Rosie Botterill of J.O.S. told us the following about the track “When Giants Walked The Earth is a love letter to the great bands of the past, and a call to arms for the bands of today.”  And to quote the track itself, “You’re all a bunch of slaves! What are you going to do about it? What are you going to do?!”

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