(PCM) Hot on the heels of the celebrity nude photo leak,which the internet had dubbed The Fappening, it seems that hackers have now found a way to access nearly 200,000 private Snapchat photos and videos and distribute them online.
Being called, “The Snappening” the hackers discovered away to gain access to the photos and video without breaching the app’s servers, but instead went through a third party site called SnapSaved.com.
SnapSaved allows users to log into their Snapchat accounts and save incoming messages to their computers, which in a way defeats the purpose of the Snapchat app which is supposed to destroy photos a few seconds after they appear and leave no trace of their existence.
Of course the leaked images are now busy circulating their way through 4chan and other various internet message boards. After the breach was discovered SnapSaved shut down their website and posted a message on Facebook that assured users that no personal identification information was revealed during the security breach.
The actual SnapChat app assured users that their app was in no way hacked and only those users that may have used a third party website to save images.
The post First There Was The Fappening Now We Have The Snappening! also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.