Fox continues to expand their Marvel mutant universe with the upcoming release of “The Gifted”, a new series set in the X-Men universe. Although the show has yet to debut, Fox seems confident in their new series, bringing the cast out to San Diego Comic-Con to promote the show, set to air this fall.
We had a chance to interview the cast of the upcoming series, and although we haven’t seen much yet, we were able to learn a lot about the premise of the show and who we can expect to be the key players. Check out our interviews below!
Jamie Chung (Big Hero Six) will be starring as fan favorite mutant “Blink”.
Stephen Moyer (True Blood) will lead the series as Reed Strucker, father of two young mutants coming into their powers in a world where he is supposed to defend the population from any mutant threats. Obviously this puts him in a bit of a pickle.
Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White are starring as Lauren and Andy Strucker, the children of the aforementioned Reed Strucker. Based on what we have learned so far it seems like series will heavily focus on these characters as they come into their powers while learning to survive in a world that fears and even despises them. Also listen to Percy rave about “Legion“, the other X-Men related show that everyone should be watching!
Actors Sean Teale and Blair Redford talk about their roles as the mutants Eclipse and ThunderBird on “The Gifted”, and the differences between adapting source material verse creating a character from scratch that will hopefully join the X-men pantheon.
One of the clear take aways from “The Gifted” coming to SDCC was the fact that Fox is taking this show seriously, and doing what they can to make sure it is promoted properly. Bringing Bryan Singer, king of the X-men movie-verse on board to direct the pilot has made that abundantly clear. Unlike “Legion”, we can fully expect “The Gifted” to tie into the already established cinematic universe. Hopefully it will be more than just lip service, like we have seen from other shows…(looking at you “Agents of Shield”). Check out the official comic-con trailer for “The Gifted” below!
Check back soon for more coverage on “The Gifted” set to air Monday, October 2nd on Fox.
The post “The Gifted” SDCC Interviews and Trailer appeared first on Age of The Nerd.