Chester Bennington’s Widow Posts Video of Him Laughing Hours Before Death, “This is what depression looked like to us”

Talinda Bennington has posted a video of her late-husband Chester Bennington just hanging out with one of his sons playing bean-bozzled which is a game where you have two different jelly beans, one which is a tasty flavor and one which is a disgusting flavor (Example: Dog Food vs. Chocolate Pudding). Talinda says that this video was shot just 36 hours before his tragic death by suicide in his own home.

Talinda Bennington captioned the video saying “This is what depression looked like to us just 36 hrs b4 his death. He loved us SO much & we loved him.” Showing that he showed no signs of even being depressed, even in the hours leading to his sudden death. Talinda proving a point however, as even though Chester may have been deeply depressed inside, he was able to mask it well enough to not show it to those who were the closest to him. Talinda has already taken steps to prevent suicides by putting together an organization to help fight suicide. As sources close to Bennington’s family has told TMZ, they are planning on establishing a suicide awareness organization in hopes of preventing Chester’s fans, and especially young people, from suffering the same fate as the Linkin Park lead singer we all loved.


The post Chester Bennington’s Widow Posts Video of Him Laughing Hours Before Death, “This is what depression looked like to us” appeared first on Music Mayhem Magazine.