Ron Howard Reveals Simple Title for Han Solo Standalone Film

Director Ron Howard (Apollo 13) has revealed the official title for the upcoming Han Solo film via the director’s twitter. In the video Howard announced that the film has wrapped up shooting and thanked the cast and crew for their hard work. The director went on to ask someone of screen if he can say the name of the movie which then a pair of familiar furry hands (Chewy) passes a black board to Howard. The director then flips the board around revealing the official title for the Solo film.

Solo: A Star Wars Story. Yup. It doesn’t get any more simple than that. Howard then signs off with “I’ll see you next year.” The film has a release date of May 25, 2018.

Since the film hits theaters next Spring, one has to wonder if we will get to see a trailer or at least a teaser trailer during the previews before Star Wars: The Last Jedi which hits theaters later this year on Dec. 15.

Solo: A Star Wars Story will star Alden Ehrenreich as the young scruffy looking nerf herder Han Solo, Atlanta‘s Donald Glover as the coolest guy in the galaxy Lando Calrissian, Woody Harrelson (War of the Planet of the Apes), and Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones).

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