Netflix has done it again. They have a hit and a master mind behind it and are going full throttle with Tales of Arcadia, an epic three part series that will expand the world of Trollhunters.
Creator and executive producer Guillermo del Toro announced that the huge trilogy will consist of Trollhunters Part 2, followed by two companion series: 3 Below and Wizards.
Creator/Exec. Producer Guillermo del Toro
Troll hunters Part 2 will stream exclusively on Netflix December 15 while 3 Below and Wizards are set for 2018 and 2019.
Following Trollhunters, DreamWorks 3 Below will focus on two royal teenage aliens and their bodyguard who flee a surprise takeover of their home planet by an evil dictator and crash land in Arcadia. Now on the run from intergalactic bounty hunters, they struggle to blend in and adapt to the bizarre world of high school all the while attempting to repair their ship so they can return and defend their home planet.
DreamWorks Wizards brings together the three disparate worlds of trolls, aliens and wizards who have found themselves drawn to Arcadia. The final chapter of the Tales of Arcadia culminates in an apocalyptic battle for the control of magic that will ultimately determine the fate of these supernatural worlds that have now converged. (Via Netflix)
Below is the teaser clip for Tales of Arcadia.
Now here is the trailer for Trollhunters Part 2.
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