The hit animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars is returning! After airing five seasons and coming to an end, sort of – (the series never actually had an ending), supervising director Dave Filoni announced the return of the series during a celebration for the 10th anniversary of the beloved series during San Diego Comic-Con.
Filoni spoke with about the series revival. When asked about finishing the series, he had this to say:
The Clone Wars aired in 2008 and dealt closed the three-year gap between prequel films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The series centered Anakin Skywalker, his padawan Ahoska Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the Separatists. After the series stopped airing, a few never-before-seen episodes were released as The Clone Wars: The Lost Missions.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars will return with twelve episodes which will stream on Disney’s direct-to-consumer streaming service.
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