A Comedy Fan’s Dream. Andrew Dice Clay and Joey Diaz Team Up

We live in dark times and sometimes the simplest acts can bring people together. A simple act like laughter can brighten someone day. I know we all could use a few more laughs nowadays with all the tragedy that is going on in this world. Two of my favorite comedians who bring a smile to my face are Andrew Dice Clay and Joey Diaz. Both men have been on the comedy scene for years and have jokes to make you laugh for days.

Back in the day when I first became a fan of comedy you had to wait till the wee hours of the night to catch a stand-up’s special. Thanks to social media, YouTube, and podcasting you can follow your favorite comedians and see their latest shenanigans. Comedian Joey Diaz is the host of the very popular podcast The Church of What’s Happening Now. Andrew Dice Clay still tours around the world like a Rockstar telling jokes.

As a fan of comedy, I would love these two to team up and do either a movie or sitcom together. Why should these two comedy legends team up? It’s a simple answer depth and experience. Both men have been telling comedy for years, and their personal lives could be made into a blockbuster movie. Sometimes it takes someone going through a dark period in their life to shine a light on it and make a joke about it. Both comedians have appeared in many movies and tv shows. They both know how to carry a story and a line of dialogue to capture an audience.

I could totally see them playing brothers who own a comedy lounge. The one-liners would be endless and hilarious. We need more laughs out there and I think those two men could deliver.

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