MTV’s docu-series, “The Hills: New Beginnings,” will make its highly-anticipated debut on Monday, June 24th. Based on the series that changed the reality TV landscape, the much buzzed about show will reunite original cast members and add notable newcomers, as they write their newest chapters in relationships, romance and success. “The Hills: New Beginnings” will premiere in the U.S. before rolling out globally across Viacom’s international network of MTV channels in nearly 180 countries.
Brandon Thomas Lee and Mischa Barton will join original cast members Audrina Patridge, Brody Jenner, Frankie Delgado, Heidi Pratt, Jason Wahler, Justin “Bobby” Brescia, Spencer Pratt, Stephanie Pratt and Whitney Port for the return of the iconic series “The Hills: New Beginnings.” Kaitlynn Carter, Jennifer Delgado and Ashley Wahler will also appear in the series.
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“The Hills: New Beginnings” is produced by MTV and Evolution Media.
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