A new six-episode true crime documentary series from Blumhouse Television and Delirio Films, No One Saw A Thing examines an unsolved murder in the American Heartland and the corrosive effects of vigilantism in small town America. The case garnered international attention in the early 1980s after a so-called “town bully” was shot dead in front of almost 60 townspeople in tiny Skidmore, Missouri. These witnesses deny having seen anything, to this very day.
Award-winning Israeli filmmaker Avi Belkin (Mike Wallace Is Here, Sundance 2019 Premiere) directs and serves as executive producer of the six-episode series, which is also executive produced by Jason Blum, Jeremy Gold, and Marci Wiseman and co-executive produced by Mary Lisio as part of Blumhouse Television. Delirio’s Rafael Marmor and Christopher Leggett (Hunting ISIS, Honey Boy, Mike Wallace Is Here) also serve as executive producers.
Follow @BlumhouseDocs and @SundanceTV for more on #NoOneSawAThing
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