The first time you play paintball, play the edge of the field to cut half the field out from being able to shoot you. Shadow an advanced player. Keep your gun up at all times to cut reaction time. Stay on your feet to cut time to flee. Trees are best as are any tall wide stand-up bunker that keeps you on your feet. Dress for the weather, forget the hoodie unless it is actually cold out. Wear sneakers over boots to stay fleet of foot. Repeatedly turn your head to make sure you don’t get needlessly flanked. Always check and confirm any move you want to make is not an unsafe move.
Dress for the weather. Of course, you may not want to wear a dress shirt.
This is the tip of the iceberg. We will get to more in this how to play paintball article, but if you want a goldmine of instruction, don’t leave this website too soon. Bookmark it. It is your new secret weapon in woodsball paintball. You won’t find a better paintball guide as a beginner learning to play paintball.
There are people who just don’t care about being shot up with paintballs.
Do Paintballs Hurt?
Yes, paintballs hurt. Paintball’s sting. No one wants to be hit by a paintball. The farther you are from someone shooting at you, the less they hurt.
Here is the good news!
Paintball field owners know that if you don’t have fun, you won’t play again. Paintball fields make every effort to keep new paintball players away from intense game situations. The field owners are not the only ones who feel this way. Your referees are just as keen and interested in you playing at range so you have the most fun.
Will I Have To Play With Better Paintball Players?
Yes, you may be playing with established paintball players. Some may play on speedball teams. These players don’t get excited about playing with new players to the degree they enjoy shooting you. Expert players actually have played the game so much, they are eager to show you how to play.
It’s always good to have a ringer on the team to help coach. The refs make certain the other team will have one too.
If an established, advanced woodsball paintball player is shooting at you, they know better than to overshoot you. This is known as bonus balling. Established players know if they are not courteous, you won’t play again. They want you to play, they will respect you more than you realize.
What’s The Best Paintball Tip?
Look for a casual expert. It could be a player who appears to be dressed the part. If what they are wearing looks well used, you may have found the right contact. Don’t ask for help, because depending on their answer, you may not want it. Instead, ask them how long they have been playing. If they answer a year or so, talk to them but don’t rely on what they say unless they are the only advanced player there or claim to play almost every weekend all year round.
Until you find a truly established woodsball player, mingle with players until you find someone with three or more years in the game. Now you’ve entered into the truly sage advice territory. These are the players who have been a part of the game complexities. They will teach you how to play paintball with meaningful instruction without being pretentious.
Kids playing paintball for the first time. Under 10 usually requires strict adult attendance.
These players may take you under their wing for the day, or they may just dispense field recon and how to play at the location you are at.
In Conclusion
In truth, you can’t learn to play paintball in a day. You won’t learn tactics in one outing. You certainly won’t learn how to play paintball for the first time in one day.
So how do you prepare to play paintball before you’ve gone for the first time?
Establish the right mental model. Know what to expect before you go.
Know that safety is truly the most important aspect of playing for the first time. If you are not safe, you are not having fun.
Be Safe Playing Paintball Keep Your Goggles On In-Game. Always. Why? BB guns are not the only gun you can shoot your eye out with. Every player on the field is a ref when it comes to wearing goggles. Mask up! Always.
If you find you love the game as a beginner to paintball, then read DangerMan’s Paintball Bible. It is dedicated to rec ball woodsball players just learning the game with more firepower than any other instructional paintball book you will find. It is perfect for someone who is just learning how to play paintball.
Paintball FAQ’s
What is rec ball?
Rec ball is short for recreational paintball. The term refers to casual style play of any paintball format where games include players of mixed levels. In general rec ball is played on a woodsball field at your local paintball park.
What do I wear to paintball?
Dress for the weather and ease of movement. Sneakers are better than boots. Dress for long-range. New players are placed in long-distance game situations to minimize a paintball impact making a hoodie unnecessary. If you intend to shoot at close range, then protect your pain points, fingers, flank, and neck.
How To Play Paintball For the First Time
The first time you play paintball the first time, play the edge of the field to cut half the field out from being able to shoot you. Shadow an advanced player. Keep your gun up at all times to cut reaction time. Stay on your feet to cut time to flee. Dress for the weather and wear sneakers over boots to stay fleet of foot. Repeatedly turn your head to make sure you don’t get needlessly flanked. Always check and confirm any move you want to make is not an unsafe move.
What is paintball?
Paintball uses 68 caliber gel-filled shells shot through a paintball marker. Teams play objective-based and-or elimination. A player leaves the game when a thumbnail size of paint has marked them. Paintball is a game of tempered aggression using tactics and athleticism. Paintball is a game of angles.