Director Taika Waititi recently hosted an Instagram watch party for “Thor: Ragnarok and viewers were surprised when both actress Tessa Thompson and actor Mark Ruffalo showed up to join in with fans as well.
During the watching party, there was some discussion and comments from Waititi regarding the upcoming film “Thor: Love & Thunder” and some rumors were addressed. Waititi definitely confirmed that the Silver Surfer would not be making an appearance in the film, however, what would show up are Space Sharks, which are similar to Acanti, which are commonly enslaved by the Brood empire for use as spaceships.
Waititi also chose not to answer questions about actor Christian Bale’s role in the upcoming film, as well as, whether or not actor Tom Hiddleston would be reprising his role as well.
“Thor: Love & Thunder” is slated for release on February 18, 2022.
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