Virtual Concerts Have Changed the World of Music
The rules of entertainment have changed once and for all. In the second decade of the 21st century, people can get VIP access to dozens of concerts, events or other types of shows. All this has become possible because of the hard work of those who saw an opportunity in providing virtual access to popular entertainment events. People from all over the world can attend concerts and shows from the comfort of their own home by simply streaming the event through their smart TV, computer, or mobile device. The performances of the world’s biggest superstars are literally one click away.
Many will say that virtually attending a concert is not the same as physically being there. On the other hand, getting virtual access to a Foo Fighters concert while enjoying a glass of wine at your balcony or while playing your favorite variation of Blackjack at is not something that you can get by being physically present at a performance venue. In many cases, streaming an event will be completely free, but in some cases, a small fee will be required, exactly as if one were paying for an admission ticket at a concert, a theatre, or a spectacle.
Global Citizen Live – 2021’s Most Important Event
On Saturday the 25th of September, the people of the world will have the opportunity to digitally attend the biggest event of the year. Global Citizen Live features artists and bands which have left their mark in music history. From Metallica to Keith Urban and from Jennifer Lopez to BTS, billions of people will get to see the performance of their favorite artists. The event will go on for 24 hours, and it will be broadcasted live all over the world. The organizers have done their best in order to create awareness and to get billions of viewers to join the party.
On the last Saturday of September, the world’s biggest networks and streaming services will take viewers on an unforgettable musical journey. For 24 consecutive hours, networks like BBC, stations like iHeartRadio, and online platforms like YouTube and Twitter will play their part in making the world a better place. Their efforts will be supported by numerous political leaders and by the world’s biggest conglomerates.
What Is Global Citizen Live Really About?
Apart from entertaining the viewers, this historic event aims to raise awareness and money for those in need. The recent Vax Live event raised around 300 million dollars, but the Global Citizen organization aims even higher than that. The participation of so many performers and of people with influence ensures that the message will be heard all over the world.
Those involved hope to raise more than half a billion dollars. This money will help those in need of food, in need of medicine and in need of protection. Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, recently stated: “Some seem to think that the current crisis is merely an interlude that the vaccine will take things back to how they were. That is, I believe, a historical mistake. Our growth trajectories have generated highly inflammable inequalities within our very societies, consumed the planet’s natural capital, and exacerbated pre-existing geopolitical tensions. Our answer must be a collective one towards new models. I thank Global Citizens for organising this major event in Paris, from where I hope the entire world will hear this message: let’s act together to build a fairer and safer world!”