How Your Business Can Use Artificial Intelligence

How Your Business Can Use Artificial Intelligence

How You Can Use Artificial Intelligence

AI For Small Businesses and Individuals

The general public and small business owners are likely to encounter and utilize AI in a number of forms, including:

Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant, are becoming increasingly popular among the general public. These AI-powered devices can be used to control smart home devices, play music, set reminders, and answer questions.

Chatbots: Chatbots are AI-powered programs that can simulate conversations with human users. They are becoming increasingly common on websites and mobile apps and can be used for customer service, product recommendations, and more.

Image and speech recognition: AI-powered image and speech recognition technology is becoming more prevalent in everyday devices, such as smartphones, cameras, and security systems.

Personalized recommendations: Many online retailers, streaming services, and social media platforms use AI to personalize recommendations for users based on their browsing and purchasing history.

Automated financial services: AI-powered financial services such as robo-advisers are becoming more popular among small business owners and individual investors.

Automated customer service: AI-powered customer service chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming more prevalent in small businesses to handle repetitive and mundane tasks.

Smart home devices: AI-powered smart home devices such as thermostats, security cameras, and doorbells are becoming popular among small businesses and the general public to improve convenience and security.

AI on Scale

Of course, there are big players such as IBM Watson. IBM Watson is considered one of the leading providers of artificial intelligence (AI) services and solutions. One of the key strengths of IBM Watson is its ability to process and analyze large amounts of unstructured data, such as natural language text and images, using techniques such as natural language processing and computer vision. Watson also has a wide range of pre-built models and services that can be used to quickly develop and deploy AI applications across various industries.

Another strength of IBM Watson is its focus on providing solutions for specific industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail. IBM offers a variety of Watson-powered products and services tailored to these industries, which can help organizations quickly realize the benefits of AI.

IBM Watson’s pricing model may be considered more expensive than other AI providers, but IBM Watson is generally more specialized in certain industries, providing a more tailored solution. Compared to other AI providers, it ultimately depends on the specific use case and the required resources. It’s always recommended to evaluate and compare different AI providers and their offerings based on your specific requirements and budget.

AI Resources:

Artificial Intelligence Writing Assistants

Some of the early players in AI writing services are (Previously named Jarvis), used for short and long-form writing. They have a lot of competition now. Here’s a list of AI writing assistants.

AI Art

DALL-E was the early front-runner in creating images, soon followed by Midjourney. Now some companies and organizations provide artificial intelligence (AI) services in the image generation segment, some of them are:

OpenAI: OpenAI is a research lab that has developed several AI models for image generation, including DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. Their angle at present: print quality images you hang on your wall. 

NVIDIA: NVIDIA offers a deep learning platform for image generation, called the NVIDIA Deep Learning GPU Training System.

Google: Google has developed several AI models for image generation, including BigGAN and StyleGAN.

Dream by Wombo ( Animate still images. Take a selfie and make it talk or dance. Entered from the fantasy art design segment.

Adobe: Adobe offers an AI-powered tool for generating images, called Adobe Generator.

DeepMind: DeepMind, a subsidiary of Alphabet, has developed several AI models for image generation, including DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) : GPT-3 is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, that can be fine-tuned to create images from text descriptions, it can also generate images.

DALL-E 2: DALL-E 2 is a deep learning model developed by OpenAI that generates images of objects or scenes from natural language text descriptions.

RunwayML: RunwayML is a platform that provides easy access to pre-trained machine learning models, it has several models for image generation. Similar to many consumer-level offerings in 2023 you need to request enrollment.