The Walking Dead: Dead City is a thrilling spin-off of the popular zombie apocalypse series that takes place in New York City. The show follows Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Negan (Jeffery Dean Morgan), two former enemies who have to work together to survive the horrors of the undead and the living.
Thus, far, the show delivers on its promise of action, suspense, drama and gore, while also exploring the complex relationship between the two protagonists. Maggie and Negan have a history of hatred and betrayal, but they also share a common goal of finding a safe place for their people. The show does a great job of balancing their conflicts and their cooperation, as well as their personal growth and redemption.
The show also features stunning visuals of a decaying and overrun New York, as well as some memorable new characters and villains. The Walking Dead: Dead City is a must-watch for fans of the franchise and anyone who enjoys a gripping and gritty story of survival.
The series also stars Gaius Charles and Željko Ivanek, amongst others. Eli Jorné, who has been a writer and co-executive producer on The Walking Dead for multiple seasons serves as showrunner and executive producer on the series, which is overseen by Scott M. Gimple, chief content officer of The Walking Dead Universe. Cohan and Morgan also serve as executive producers, along with Brian Bockrath.
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