When Should I Do A Website Audit?

Navigating the Essentials of Website Audits

The Rationale Behind Regular Website Checkups

Just as your home benefits from a periodic inspection, your website equally deserves regular check-ups. Why, you ask? The answer lies in maximizing a site’s appeal to search engines.

Search engines like Google aim to prioritize websites that offer valuable and user-centric content. Multiple metrics are at play here, and as a website owner, tapping into these through systematic audits can make all the difference.

Diving Into the Different Types of Audits

Website audits can be broad or specific, depending on the perceived needs of the site. Let’s explore the various kinds:

Technical Audit: The SEO Bedrock

Technical audits lay the foundation for a website’s SEO journey, primarily focusing on optimizing a website for its visibility on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Key aspects that a technical audit zeroes in on include:

  • Unearthing broken links.
  • Verifying if each page is indexed by SERPs.
  • Ensuring the sitemap functions optimally.
  • Testing the efficacy of the robots.txt file.

For websites finding it hard to make a mark on search engines, a technical audit can be the launchpad for improvement.

SEO Audit: The Digital Magnifying Glass

While it encompasses both on-page and off-page SEO, an SEO audit’s mainstay is to delve deeper into various website facets. This includes scrutinizing keywords, analyzing internal and external links, optimizing media, and evaluating traffic behavior. The primary distinction from a technical audit is its lean towards front-end optimization rather than backend issue rectification.

Content Audit: Holding the Content Mirror

Content, being king in the digital realm, necessitates its own set of evaluations. A content audit’s primary task is to assess the relevance, quality, and intent behind the published content. It looks into:

  • How the content syncs with the website’s objectives.
  • Its alignment with the user’s journey and potential queries.

A well-executed content audit can spotlight content gaps and pave the way for a robust content strategy.

Of course, audits can be more granular, targeting local SEO or mobile SEO. But the need and type of audit largely hinge on a website’s individual circumstances.

The Underlying Importance of a Website Audit

Beyond the shroud of complexity surrounding Google’s algorithm, there are methodical steps you can employ to swing this algorithm your way.

In the post-keyword-stuffing era, SERPs now bank on diverse factors to rank your website. Gaining insights into your site’s current stance in technical and UX areas becomes paramount. And the most efficient route to this knowledge? A website audit.

Post-audit, you’re armed with actionable insights to craft a dynamic SEO strategy. The ripple effect? Enhanced visibility, increased traffic, superior user experience, and, ultimately, improved conversions.

Decoding the Frequency of Website Audits

Website audits aren’t a one-time affair. Here’s when you should consider one:

  • New SEO Sheriff in Town: When you onboard a fresh SEO specialist, they’re likely to initiate an audit to lay down a renewed ranking blueprint.
  • Dips in Traffic: Experiencing a sudden drop in site visitors? A technical glitch might be the culprit. An immediate audit can diagnose and remedy this setback.
  • Periodic Health Check: Regular audits act as preventive measures. While a lone error might not wreak havoc, accumulated glitches over time can be catastrophic for traffic. Regular scrutiny ensures such issues are nipped in the bud.

For optimal website health, consider an audit every year. However, for expansive sites, a bi-annual audit is more fitting.

Website audits aren’t just a routine procedure; they’re integral to the vitality of a site’s online presence. Regardless of your current search engine rank, audits remain a proactive approach, ensuring you aren’t caught off guard by unforeseen challenges in your digital journey.

The post When Should I Do A Website Audit? appeared first on PCM AGENCY.