Gene P. Abel’s The Destruction of the American Republic

Gene P. Abel’s The Destruction of the American Republic

Like the loving father of a petulant child, author and U.S. Army Colonel (Retired)  Gene P. Abel is extremely worried about our nation’s current and future state.

Colonel Abel is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books in several genres, including sci-fi and romance. His latest nonfiction book, The Destruction of the American Republic,  is a cautionary tale about how the Republicans and former President Donald Trump have been working to destroy the democracy that our Founding Fathers established.

Remarkably, Abel’s sources in the book are all non-political and include hefty situations throughout the text. “This book is a no-holds-barred discussion of the real and present danger we face from Trump and his far-right supporters,” Abel explains.

“As they gear up for the 2024 election, my book is intended to inform voters of the truth about this danger and I attempt to energize the majority to vote the Republicans out of office. That is the only way to protect the freedom we fought so hard to secure. The GOP is the problem, and is nothing like the Republican Party in the days of Lincoln or Eisenhower,” he said.

In addition to his tenure as an author, Col. Abel brings a successful and diverse educational and professional background to his analysis of the divisive political climate that we face today.

His 30 years as a successful business executive in both the private and public sectors are overlaid with 30 years as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve.

After graduating from Penn State as a Distinguished Military Graduate, he spent five years on active duty and 25 years in the Army Reserve, with diverse assignments as a nuclear weapons and finance officer.

Abel graduated from the Army War College in 1985 and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal on two occasions. Colonel Abel was nominated for brigadier general and retired in 1993 as a Colonel.

When asked what he most appreciated about his time in military service, Abel replied, “The opportunity to have had three Commands and the people I served with for 30 years, and the experience at the Army War College was an invaluable experience.”

The main lesson Abel said that he learned during his years in the military was “The importance of subordinates and the ability of a Commander to get them to go to a place they would not go without the Commander.”

Bestselling Author Gene P. Abel

The following are five major points highlighted in this book

— Demonstrating how many of the Republican promises were not kept.

— How failing to solve major problems will sink the ship

— The GOP has become the party that simply wants to remain in power and will do anything to achieve that end.

— The lies of Donald Trump and the cult that he has created and how it will destroy our Republic.

— We must ensure that Trump and others who went as far as attacking the U.S. Capitol and Congress are held accountable to deter it from ever happening again.

Q and A with Bestselling Author Gene P. Abel

Why did you write your new book – The Destruction of the American Republic?

I wanted to provide the truth backed by factual information about the failure of Republican policies and also to document the extent of the danger that we face from Former President Donald Trump and those who support him. In the last chapter (Chapter 8) I presented what I believe needs to be done to deal with the issues we face, such as our debt, as well as protect us from another Trump Presidency predicted on the information in Chapters 1 through 7.

What initially caused you to question conservative policies?

It happened after Reagan left office and he saw the national debt increase. The rationale used by Reagan and the Republicans in 1981 was that cutting taxes for the wealthy would cause enough economic growth to replace the lost tax revenue from cutting tax rates and balance the budget. The benefit was going to “Trickle down.’ From the first year of the Reagan tax cuts to the next 18 years, we had an annual budget deficit that accumulated into an ever-increasing national debt. This reality caused me to question the conservative policies in the early 1990’s. 

Why do you encourage everyone to read your book?

 The only way to deal with the danger we face from Trump and the people who support his ideas is to remove them from power while we still have our system intact that is based on the principles of our Republic and constitution. I want to convince as many as possible by reading the information in my book to use the ultimate tool – THE VOTE.

How is this more than Trump and right-wing bashing?

Because it is based on truth, facts, and history. The entire reason for writing it was to enable the reader to unearth the truth that is not tainted by political distortion. I hope that most people will choose to save our country given the truthful information that I have presented. 

How does your patriotism color your view of where the country is heading?

I started out as a Republican. It was not until I saw the failure of what was promised that I questioned what was promised and I wanted to know from the facts why their promises were not kept. This process provided answers, including the truth that most far-right policies are designed to benefit people with higher incomes and ignore what most middle and low-income people want and need from their government.

Can you give us a few examples?

Yes, a few examples include the lack of support for programs like Social Security, Medicare, and those other programs designed to help the people who need the help. Things like living wage jobs, and affordable health and child care. First, they support life until the child is born. Then Republicans act like these people are on their own even when their families cannot or do not have the most basic human needs, including shelter and food.

How does your military career inform your worldview and this book?

I have been shown that history, facts, and logic are essential to archiving a rational outcome (mission.) My two years at the U.S. Army War College were extremely important in showing how to seek reality predicated on facts, history, and logic. 

What else do you want to tell us about your book?

I added the bills that have been passed during the first two years of Biden’s term to show how the policies supported by Democrats help average Americans deal with the issues we face. I also presented specific changes needed to protect our Republic in the future in order to address the major problems we face like the debt and global warming and the vital importance of keeping the promises made by social security.


A recent successful book event for bestselling author Gene P. Abel