How Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy Patient John Yoffee Discovered a Pain-Free Life

Data analyst John Yoffee, of Warrington, has had more than his share of pain and injuries over the years, starting with high school. When he was a high school sophomore he grew 10 inches in height and underwent physical
therapy for pulled hamstrings, knee and quad issues, and a patella tendon.

The reason was simple: he grew too fast to prepare his muscles for the tremendous change. As a result, over the years Yoffee has been treated for lower back pain, including a herniated disk in between the L5-SI, which he described as being bigger than a golf ball.

In addition to this, he had severe hamstring pain and several other physical problems. His doctor recommended he get an epidural injection in his back, which only eased the problem for a day or two. When the pain persisted, he went to Michael St. George, Clinical Director of Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy in Warminster, at the recommendation of a friend.

After seeking treatment at half a dozen physical therapy and Rehab Centers, Yoffee realized none of them had come close to his experience at Ivy Rehab PT in Warminster.  

When he started in November 2022, he could barely do any of the exercises recommended by Ivy Rehab Warminster Clinical Director Mike St. George and PT Bob Kaehler, an award-winning rower and athlete, and inventor of the specialized Kaehler Core device; a training device that is the next step in the evolution of strength development, prevention of training injuries, and elevating of core fitness to maximize athletic performance.

The first time Yoffee used the cutting-edge device he admitted that he “couldn’t do basic things like getting up from a laying down position. I was an active person who couldn’t do simple movements after being used to playing golf and pickup basketball and
football,” explained Yoffee.

“It got easier for me to move and within a few months, the pain shooting down my leg was gone,” Yoffee said. “If you had told me a year ago that I would be able to run, touch my toes, and
do normal things without pain I would have told you that you were crazy. Ivy Rehab PT has been so much more than a blessing for me!”

John Yoffee while he is working out on the Kaehler Core device at Ivy Rehab PT in Warminster

What Makes PT Expert Mike St. George So Effective

With teen and adult patients from all walks of life dealing with a myriad of injuries, St. George and his team receive consistent positive feedback about their great work ethic and top-level therapy. “As Ivy grows, it is diligently working to set the tone for the profession and that starts within each clinic,” St. George explained. 

“It is up to the professionals in each facility to follow through with the standards set in place by the organization and create a positively-enriched environment. I work extremely hard to create that in my facility, starting with the people I choose to build my team. Everything from the physical surroundings and music to the high-level staff and their positive attitude and vibe.”

He said that the joy of taking patients from injury, accident, surgery, or other mishap to getting back to doing what they love in their lives is difficult to describe.

“Seeing someone come from day one of an injury, where they can be mentally rock bottom and defeated, to return to living their life better than they were before because of what they learned during their physical therapy experience is extremely rewarding,” St. George said.

“It is very challenging to get someone to listen to you, especially for a stranger. Overall, people can be stubborn, and everyone wants a quick fix,” he added. “When you can get someone to instill trust in you and stick with the process of what you tell them to do,
that is a powerful effect to have that influence on someone. You naturally become a huge component of their life, and the success that they are reaping.”

Ivy Rehab stands out when it comes to PT clinics, according to St. George and his staff, for several reasons. “Ivy Rehab allows its clinicians to push the envelope and spearhead change. Each team is not only provided with support and vital resources to help make things happen, but to ensure they are done correctly.”

John Yoffee works out at Ivy Rehab PT in Warminster

Advice for Athletes and Others Looking for High-Level PT

“I have seen a lot of therapists and their patients doing the same ‘cookie cutter’ exercises and no one is trying to push the boundaries or do ongoing research, and I would advise anyone looking for PT to avoid that,” Yoffee, now 27, recently explained. “Those places are not doing the therapy that I have learned is healthy and necessary for getting you back to doing what you want to be doing.”

Within a week of working with St. George and Kaehler, Yoffee said he understood why their methods were so effective. “I have never met anyone like Mike and Bob. They are so good at taking in information and being able to focus on your body, which muscles are weaker than the others, and exactly what to do to strengthen those muscles. Other rehab clinics use the same basic squatting movements, while they focus on basic human functions. They understand the way  the body works and  they put me through a field of exercises and tests.”

“I could barely walk when I saw them. Mike and Bob 100 percent saved my life. I was in a bad spot because I could no longer do what I loved,” he said. “Now, all of that has been transformed thanks to Mike, Bob, and Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy.”

He adds that working with the Kaehler Core took the therapy to a whole new level. “I work from home and as such I am constantly sitting at my desk, which results in hip and back issues. Being in my state, the Kaehler Core was such a game changer that I bought one to use at home and I use it regularly.”

Yoffee isn’t the only one who notices an effective change in his mobility and quality of life. “I was miserable and it affected every aspect of my life. But today friends and family members can see a major difference in my attitude and outlook. I am getting emotional thinking about this.”

“I was a super active person and going from working out every day and playing sports with my friends and intramural leagues to not knowing if I was going to be able to get out of bed truly took the joy out of life,” Yoffee added. “Now, the joy has returned. It is night and day!”

For information about Ivy Rehab PT in Warminster click here: