Paramount+ Streaming News

Zorro on Horseback with Sword raised at Gibraltar

March Paramount+ Streaming News

Paramount+ Picks Up Zorro Comedy Series

Saturday | 03/22/2024  — Get ready, pop culture aficionados. Paramount+ is planning to whisk us away on a swashbuckling journey back to 1821 with their latest adventure comedy series, Zorro (working title). But before we dive into this exciting announcement, let’s rewind the tape a bit and pay homage to the original lore of the masked vigilante who’s been captivating hearts since his inception.

Zorro, the dashing hero of Spanish California, has been a pop culture staple since he first appeared in 1919. Created by Johnston McCulley, Zorro (Spanish for “Fox”) is the secret identity of Don Diego de la Vega, a nobleman and master swordsman living in Los Angeles during the Spanish colonial period. Known for his cunning and humor as much as his skill with the sword, Zorro dons a black mask to fight injustice and tyranny, leaving behind his iconic mark – a “Z” slashed with his blade.

Fast forward to today, and Paramount+ is bringing this legendary character back to life in an all-new format for audiences across France, the U.K., Italy, Germany, and Latin America. The series, set to unfold in 1821, follows Don Diego de la Vega as he steps into the role of mayor of Los Angeles. Faced with the daunting task of battling a corrupt businessman, Don Emmanuel, our hero must navigate the treacherous waters of politics and power, all while keeping his alter ego, Zorro, alive and kicking.

Starring The Artist Oscar winner Jean Dujardin as Diego de la Vega and his alter ego, Zorro — this series promises to be a mix of humor, adventure, and that timeless Zorro flair. Created by the talented Benjamin Charbit (“Gagarine”) and Noé Debré (“Dheepan”), the show has already stirred up quite the buzz, and with a cast featuring the likes of Salvatore Ficarra, a well-known Italian comedian, and French acting talents such as Audrey Dana, André Dussollier, Eric Elmosnino, and Grégory Gadebois, expectations are sky-high.

Oscar winner Jean Dujardin as Diego de la Vega. Zorro!
Oscar winner Jean Dujardin as Diego de la Vega. Zorro!

While Paramount+ has kept the premiere date under wraps, the eight-part series is set to make its grand debut on the streaming platform before eventually rolling out on France Télévisions. So, buckle up and prepare your capes, because Zorro is slashing his way back into our lives, and this time, the adventure comes with a hearty dose of comedy that’s bound to keep us on the edge of our seats. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to stream this epic revival on Paramount+.