Special Days In February

Special Days In February

February is…
American Heart Month
Bake for Family Fun Month
Bird Feeding Month
Black History Month
Canned Food Month
Cherry Month
Children’s Dental Heath Month
Creative Romance Month
Dog Training Month
Embroidery Month
Free and Open Source Software Month
Friendship Month
Grapefruit Month
Great American Pies Month
Heart Month
Hot Breakfast Month
Library Lovers Month
Self-Check Month
Snack Food Month
Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
National Weddings Month
February is the second month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the shortest month with 28 days (29 days in leap years). The name February originates from the Latin word “febrarius” which means “purification.” This is because February was the month in which the ancient Roman festival of purification, the Februa, was held. The festival was a time for people to cleanse themselves and their homes in preparation for the new year. It was also a time for the Roman god of purification, Februus, to be honored.
In the original Roman calendar, February was the last month of the year, but after Julius Caesar reformed the calendar in 45 BCE, it became the second month. The month was originally named “Februarius mensis” (month of purification), and the name was eventually shortened to February.
The First Wednesday in February is…
Read Aloud Day is a day to encourage everyone to read out loud. Whether it be a book, poem, play, or even a song, reading aloud can help build confidence in reading and speaking.
The First Thursday in February is…
Optimist Day is a day to focus on the positive. Take some time out of your day to appreciate the small joys in life and be grateful for all that you have. Focusing on positivity can help boost mental health and productivity.
The First Friday in February is…
Bubblegum Day is the perfect excuse to indulge in sweet, sugary treats! Bubblegum has been around for centuries and comes in a variety of flavors.

Give Kids A Smile Day
is dedicated to improving children’s access to dental care. It encourages dentists and dental professionals to offer free oral health services and education to underserved children in their communities.

Wear Red Day
is a day to increase awareness about women’s heart health. Wearing red symbolizes support for women living with heart disease and those who have lost their lives to it.

The First Saturday in February is…
Ice Cream For Breakfast Day is a day to forget about all the rules and enjoy some delicious ice cream for breakfast!

International Pisco Sour Day celebrates the traditional Peruvian cocktail, Pisco Sour. It’s a popular drink made from pisco, lime juice, sugar syrup, egg white, and angostura bitters.

National Play Outside Day is the first Saturday of every month. 

Take Your Child To The Library Day
is a day to encourage parents and guardians to take their children to the library and explore all the great books, programs, and activities it has to offer.

The Second Sunday in February is…
World Marriage Day is a day to recognize and appreciate the commitment and love of married couples in society.
The Second Monday in February is…
Clean Out Your Computer Day is a day to encourage people to declutter and organize their computer files and to delete any unnecessary or sensitive data.
The Second Thursday in February is…
National Giving Hearts Day is a day to recognize and appreciate the acts of generosity that strong communities are built upon.
The Second Saturday in February is…
Global Movie Day is a day to come together worldwide and appreciate cinema’s power. Join your friends and family  together to enjoy this special day by watching our favorite films
The Third Monday in February is…
Presidents Day (US Federal Holiday) – The holiday was originally celebrated on February 22, which is George Washington’s birthday, but in 1968 the Uniform Monday Holiday Act was passed, which moved the holiday to the third Monday in February to create a long weekend and to encourage travel and commerce. So, since 1968 President’s Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February.
The Third Friday in February is…
Caregivers Day is a day to appreciate and recognize caregivers’ hard work and dedication worldwide.
The Third Saturday in February is…
Red Sock Day is is a day of awareness and remembrance for those who have lost their lives to violence. On this day, people wear red socks or something red to show solidarity and support for those affected by violence.
The Fourth Tuesday in February is…
World Spay Day is an international day of action to promote spaying and neutering pets. It is celebrated annually on the last Tuesday of February and aims to raise awareness about the overpopulation of animals in shelters.
The Fourth Thursday in February is…
Chili Day is a day of celebration for all things chili! From classic chili con carne to vegan-friendly options, there are so many delicious recipes to try. 

Toast Day
is a day to celebrate the delicious and versatile meal: toast! From sweet to savory, there is no limit to what you can do with a piece of toast.
The Fourth Friday in February is…
Skip The Straw Day is a day to bring awareness to the unnecessary use of plastic straws. Plastic straws are used to enjoy beverages but can have a damaging effect on our environment. 
The Last Saturday in February is…
Open The Bottle Day is a day to appreciate the joys of drinking from the bottle. From beer to iced tea, so many drinks taste better from their own bottle. Open The Bottle Day is a chance to celebrate with friends and family or enjoy your favorite bottle alone.

International Sword Swallowers Day
is a special celebration of the art of sword swallowing and those who practice it. Sword swallowing is dangerous and difficult, requiring years of practice and immense courage.
The Last Day in February is…
Rare Disease Day is an international awareness day for rare diseases and those living with them. It is a day to celebrate their courage, strength, and resilience in adversity. It is also an opportunity to recognize those who work daily to support and care for those living with rare diseases.