Special Days in March

Notable About March…

  • Spring: In the northern hemisphere, March is often considered the start of spring, as the weather begins to warm up and the days grow longer.

  • Holidays: March is the month of Saint Patrick’s Day, a holiday celebrated in Ireland and by Irish communities worldwide. It is also the month of International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements.

  • Sports: March is the month of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament, also known as March Madness, a popular college basketball tournament in the United States.

  • Agriculture: In agricultural areas, March is often associated with the start of the growing season, as farmers begin to plant crops and tend to their fields.

  • History: March is the month of the Ides of March, a fateful day in ancient Rome when Julius Caesar was assassinated.

March is the Third Month

The name “March” for the year’s third month is believed to have come from the ancient Roman calendar. The Roman year originally started with Martius, the month dedicated to the god Mars, the Roman god of war. Mars was a very important figure in Roman culture and was believed to be the father of Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome. Over time, the name Martius was shortened to March, and it has remained the third month of the year in many calendars to this day.

“In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb” Phrase Origin

Many rhymes, expressions, riddles, idioms, and songs exist to describe certain phases of the calendar year. Some of the most common examples are “April showers bring May flowers” and the Month of the Year nursery rhyme, made to help people remember which months have thirty days and which have thirty-one.

Like April, the month of March also has an expression that goes, “In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb.” While not usually a part of our everyday language, it holds meaning behind the shifting forecast one can expect in March.

But what does it mean exactly?


The phrase “In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb” refers to the notion that the month of March usually starts off with the continuation of cold winters (aggressive like a lion) and ends with warmer, spring-like weather (soft like a lamb). March straddles the winter and spring timeline, so the idiom is the perfect way to describe the change in weather during the month.


While there is no permanent record of when this expression was first used, one of the earliest citations occurred in Thomas Fuller’s 1732 compendium, Gnomologia: Adagies and Proverbs; Wise Sentences and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British. The authors state, “Comes in like a Lion, goes out like a Lamb.” It then made its way into many farmers’ almanacs after that—although it is assumed that the expression is much older than the 18th century.

How this expression is seen in everyday life

Because of this change, March is also a time when many consumers experience a decrease in their utility costs because less heat is needed to maintain a warm environment to combat winter, while it’s also not necessary to spring (no pun intended) for air conditioning yet. Even though it appears that recent standard weather periods are intermingling due to climate change, the language still remains. 

What do you think? Does March come in like a lion and out like a lamb? Or perhaps it comes in like a penguin and out like a duck. You decide.

Umbrella Month celebrates the importance of umbrellas in protecting people from the elements and encourages their use in all weather conditions.

Women’s History Month celebrates the contributions of women to history and encourages people to learn about the achievements of women throughout history.

Workplace Eye Wellness Month focuses on the importance of eye health and encourages people to protect their eyes from eye strain and injury.

Worldwide Home Schooling Awareness Month raises awareness about homeschooling and encourages families to consider this educational option for their children.

Youth Art Month celebrates the creativity and talent of young artists and encourages young people to explore their artistic interests.

The First Week in March is…
Cheerleading Week
Universal Human Beings Week
Write a Letter of Appreciation Week
Will Eisner Week
The First Full Week in March is…
National Nutrition Week
Read An E-Book Week
National School Breakfast Week
The First Monday in March is…
Casimir Pulaski Day
The First Tuesday in March is…
Sportsmanship Day
Peace Corps Day
The First Wednesday in March is…
Stop Bad Service Day
The First Thursday in March is…
National Hospitalist Day
The First Friday in March is…
National Day of Unplugging
National Dress in Blue Day
Employee Appreciation Day
National Speech and Debate Education Day
World Day of Prayer
The First Saturday in March is…
National Play Outside Day (Every month)
The First Sunday in March is…
Finisher’s Medal Day
Namesake Day
National Women’s History Week takes place in the week that includes March 8th, which is International Women’s Day.
The second Monday in March begins…
National Bubble Week
Crochet Week
Fill Our Staplers Day
National Sleep Awareness Week
The Second Tuesday in March is…
Organize Your Home Office Day
The Second Wednesday in March is…
Registered Dietician Nutritionist Day
World Kidney Day
The Second Thursday in March is…
Popcorn Lover’s Day
World Kidney Day
The Second Friday in March is…
Preschoolers Day
The Second Saturday in March is…
Fanny Pack Day
Genealogy Day
The Second Sunday in March is…
Check Your Batteries day
Daylight Savings Time
Dry Shampoo Day
The Monday After Daylight Savings Sunday is…
National Napping Day
The Third Week in Mach begins…
National Consumer Protection Week
National Poison Prevention Week
The Third Monday In March is…
Act Happy Day
Wellderly Day
The Third Tuesday in March is…
World Social Work Day
Tea For Two Tuesday
The Third Day of the Third Full Week is…
National 3-D Day
The Third Wednesday in March is…
National SBDC Day
The Third Thursday in March is…
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
Companies That Care Day
Farm Rescuer Day
Oranges and Lemons Day
The Third Friday in March is…
National Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day
The Third Saturday in March is…
Corn Dog Day
International Sports Car Racing Day
Maple Syrup Saturday
Play The Recorder Day
National Quilting Day
The Fourth Tuesday in March is…
National American Diabetes Association Alert Day
The Last Wednesday in March is…
Manatee Appreciation Day
National Little Red Wagon Day