(PCM) The city of Meerut in India is on lockdown as forestry officials and police search for a run away leopard that has been wreaking havoc on the city. The animal is responsible for at least six people being injured and has forced city residents into their homes.
The leopard was first spotted wandering through an army hospital and then it was spotted again in a crowded market place in Meerut, which started a mini stampede that injured two people as market visitors made a dash to get away from the animal.
Authorities in India ordered that schools and colleges remain closed and shops in the city did not open while authorities continue their search for the animal.
When the leopard was spotted at the army hospital, authorities blocked off the area, but the animal was able to escape. It made a jump, injured a police officer and then fled with many believing that it made its’ way back to the forest area surrounding the city.
The leopard is a full grown male with enormous strength which is what has the city on such high alert. Leopards are protected in India, though more are straying into cities and villages to search for food as their habitats shrink.
Thus far, efforts to locate the leopard have been unsuccessful and for now life is back to normal in Meerut as no one has spotted the animal in over a day.
The post Leopard On The Loose Leads To Lockdown also appeared on aMyth.