(PCM) For the past few days the internet and social media has been buzzing with people posting about sightings and run-in with the mysterious woman in black, who has been been walking along the highways in several different states.
She has been mostly spotted in the South and Midwest regions of the country and is wearing what appears to be a type of burka style outfit and is pulling behind her a wheeled-cart. She is leaving people very curious about why she is walking and just what her mission happens to be. What is also very odd is that she is seemingly able to travel long distances quite quickly, as she was spotted in two different states about 60 miles apart all in the same day.
People on the internet have started a Facebook page titled ‘Where Is The Mysterious Woman In Black’ and even a Twitter hashtag #womaninblack as a way to share their theories and sightings with one another.
While she seemingly will not speak to anyone, authorities have revealed some details about the woman in black identity, claiming she is a 56-year old Army veteran named Elizabeth Pott from Mott, Alabama. She also told authorities that she is on a Bible mission.
A man by the name of Raymond Poles has come forward claiming to be her bother and says that she is a mother of two and had in the past been receiving medical treatment at Veterans Affairs hospitals. She is said to be dealing with the deaths of her husband in 2008 and her father in 2009.
Mysterious Woman In Black Spotted Walking The U.S. Highways was contributed by a Myth