Eric Church to Release “61 Days In Church” to Relive The Holdin’ My Own Tour

Eric Church has taken to social media today (Aug. 30th) to tease a new surprise project that has not been talked about before. Releasing a video to social media that stated “Relive the Holdin’ My Own Tour” featuring footage from his recent 61 date, 2-set per night Holdin’ My Own Tour. According to NashCountryDaily Church as partnered up with Apple Music to share 122 live recordings, with the first 30 live recordings becoming available to stream on Friday, September 1st. Additional recordings will be released over the course of the next two week, until it hits the total number of 122 recordings released. There will be no physical downloaded form of this album and on September 15th, other streaming services will be rolling out the songs as well. The Project will be called “61 Days in Church” which is aptly titled to match his 61 tour dates from the Holdin’ My Own Tour.

Details are currently very limited, but it appears the new project will be released on September 1st. Check out the video teaser below.


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