The Bachelor Recap for January 29, 2018

Tonight is week five of ABC’s The Bachelor. The amount of girls competing for Arie is getting smaller and he is falling even more in love—with multiple women. Everyone is now in Fort Lauderdale for some fun in the sun.

Maquel returns! Last week, she left to go to a funeral, but now is back.

Date One: Chelsea gets this one and is whisked away by Arie. They go out on  a boat, where they make out and make the other girls jealous. They also enjoy dinner, conversation and quality time together, resulting in her getting a rose.

Seriously, that’s it. I tuned out for 90% of it because it was jut that boring.

Date 2: All the girls (minus Chelsea and Tia, who has the second one-on-one) go bowling. They are divided into teams and and the winning team gets to get extra time with Arie.

However, he decides to let both teams stay, which pisses off Krystal. She calls him a liar and other names to the girls, which causes  a lot of anger. She also opts out of the party, which makes everyone even angrier.

Arie gets wind of what she said and goes to talk to her. He isn’t happy with her behavior, so he loves her upstairs and says he will deal with her later.

He goes to spend time with the other girls and it is basically just him making out and talking with the other girls.

Krystal decides to come back to the party and walks in on the girls making fun of her.  She tries to explain herself, but the girls aren’t having any of it and says she is actually the one who is the liar.

Lauren gets the rose.

Date 3: Tia and Arie go to the Everglades and enjoy some good food, a boat and some cuddling.  The night ends with dinner, conversation and her getting a rose. Oh, and more making out. These dates are so boring tonight.

Cocktail Party: There is still drama with Krystal, who tells them she will talk to them if they really want to know why she acted the way she did. It comes across as they are attacking her, which basically makes them no better. Whatever, this is boring.

Krystal and Arie talk more…and it seems like she is desperate and he is annoyed.

Rose Ceremony: Chelsea, Lauren and Tia all have roses. Bekah, Seinne, Kendall, Becca, Jacqueline, Jenna and Krystal all get roses. Maquel, Ashley and Marikh are all sent home.

More next week! Stay tuned!

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