What Does 80/20 Ground Beef Really Mean?

Do you know what you’re really getting when it comes to your ground beef? Many people make the mistake of thinking 80/20 ground beef means that only 20 percent of the calories come from fat. However, that’s not the case. There’s actually way more fat in that burger than you thought! The 80/20 percentage refers […]

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Dishes, Sides, and Desserts to Avoid this Thanksgiving

The average person eats 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving!  If you’re trying to lose weight, or simply stay on track this holiday season, you’ll want to avoid the dishes with the most calories, fat and sugar. But remember – it’s all about moderation! You can have your favorites – even the offenders […]

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Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs this Holiday Travel Season

With the country headed towards a peak travel period for the holiday season, bed bug prevention is on everyone’s mind – at least it should be! Just because you’re not staying at some run down motel doesn’t mean you’re safe from the pesky little critters (Even Simon Cowell’s ‘X-Factor’ contestants got bed bugs!! And we […]

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8 Tips for Eating Well While Dining Out

Eating out at a restaurant doesn’t have to mean you’re cheating on your diet or forgoing your health. In fact, you can still stay on track when you’re eating out. How would anyone survive otherwise? Eating out – whether it’s on the go or sitting down with friends – is a part of life, and […]

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