(PCM) Occasionally it’s good to take a look at your book shelf or shelves and think “What haven’t I read that I should have read a long time ago?” Such was the case with Eric Metaxas book Amazing Grace. The book came out as a tie in to the film that was made in 2007. Having seen the film I bought the book as William Wilberforce captivated me at the time. Then as happens often, I never got around to reading it. A mistake I now regret.
Wilberforce was the driving force behind the campaign to end the slave trade and to end slavery itself in England in the 17th and 18th centuries. He was born August 24, 1759 and died July 29, 1833. He was a small man of stature but a great orator and his voice still rings down the centuries today. This is because what he started … Read more
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