Groundhogs, Saints, and Bonfires: February Festivals of Spring

(PCM) By the time February rolls in, many of us here in the northern hemisphere are tired of snow, and cold, and scraping our cars off every morning. We’ll be waiting with frosted breath to find out if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow – will spring make an early entrance, or are we condemned to…

The post Groundhogs, Saints, and Bonfires: February Festivals of Spring appeared first on Weird But True News.

Groundhogs, Saints, and Bonfires: February Festivals of Spring

(PCM) By the time February rolls in, many of us here in the northern hemisphere are tired of snow, and cold, and scraping our cars off every morning. We’ll be waiting with frosted breath to find out if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow – will spring make an early entrance, or are we condemned to… Read More

The post Groundhogs, Saints, and Bonfires: February Festivals of Spring appeared first on Weird But True News.

Happy Maple Syrup Day (December 17th)

(PCM) Happy Maple Syrup Day! Did you most of the bottled brown breakfast syrup that you find on grocery store shelves is NOT maple syrup? Imitation syrup (usually labeled “table-syrup” or “maple-flavored syrup”, etc.) is made from high-fructose corn syrup or other artificial flavors and additives. True maple syrup comes from the concentrated sap of […]

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Happy Chocolate-Covered Anything Day! (December 16)

(PCM) The winter season is supposed to be about joy and reflection, but all too often it’s a time of stress. Are you behind on your holiday shopping? Are you juggling family drama or work worries? By December 16th the countdown towards Christmas and years’ end is well underway, and many of us feel like […]

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Cookie Exchange Tips

HOW TO COME OUT ON TOP WITH YOUR COOKIE SWAP (PCM) Whoever invented the holiday cookie exchange was either a sadist or a genius – maybe both. On the one hand, participating in a cookie exchange means you’ve got to stop and bake something (something pretty enough to share, no less) right in the middle […]

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