Man Tests Theory That A Piece Of Paper Cannot Be Folded More Than Seven Times

(PCM) A man has decided to experiment with the theory that a piece of paper cannot be folded more than seven times and even managed to incorporate the use of a hydraulic press. Using an A3 piece of regular paper, which is about 11 by 16 inches, the man folded the paper over a few…

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Mind-blowing Strawberry Optical Illusion Leaves Us Mystified

(PCM) We can all remember the debate over #TheDress and #TheFlipFlops that drove folks on the internet into knock down drag out arguments over just what color these items happened to appear. The internet has once again graced us with yet another optical illusion thanks to Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a psychology professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto,…

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The Mysterious History Of London’s Iconic BT Tower

(PCM) When the British Telecom Tower, often referred to as the BT Tower, was first constructed in 1965 it was initially kept secret despite the fact that it was nearly 600 feet tall and located in right in the heart of London. It was purposefully kept off of all maps and it was considered illegal…

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