(PCM) I scream, you scream, we all scream for….National Ice Cream Day is on July 20th! In fact, the entire month of July is known by some as Ice Cream month. What better way to celebrate than with some fun …
(PCM) For 31-years a woman and her husband would celebrate their wedding anniversary with a meal at Red Lobster, however sadly this year was a bit different, but ended with a touching surprise.
Tragically, the woman’s husband passed away in March of this year and in order to help keep the tradition alive, the woman’s daughter volunteered to take her mother to dinner to celebrate the anniversary.
When the waitress asked if the family was celebrating anything special, the woman’s daughter explained the tradition and then they continued on with their meal. The surprise comes when they received the check to pay for their meal and instead received the following note:
“We are sorry to hear about your husband’s passing, but we appreciate your loyalty in spending 31 years of your anniversary with us. For your appreciation, your meal is on us!… Full Story
Fast-food retailer Burger King has come up with a truly amazing way to relate with all the various generations and ideologies of its’ customer base, with the introduction of the ‘The Proud Whopper’.
‘The Proud Whopper’ is exactly the same as the ‘Traditional Whopper’, only the outside wrapper has changed. The new rainbow-colored wrapper features the touching and thought-provoking message “We Are All The Same Inside”. In fact, Burger King has even changed their own slogan of “Have It Your Way” to “Be Your Own Way”, as a wonderful way to encourage us all to be comfortable with our own various forms of self-expression.… Full Story
While I don’t want to brag, I have to say that I consider myself to be a coffee aficionado of sorts and while I adore coffee at anytime of year, I especially enjoy trying all of the new iced coffee drinks when summertime rolls around.
However, what I don’t enjoy is going out to the local coffeehouse and having to wait in exceptionally long lines, as frantic baristas scramble around yelling out names and throw drinks together to move customers in and out more quickly. And then of course there is always that one person (who happens to always be in line in front of me) who has the most complicated and drawn out coffee order on the planet!… Full Story
(PCM) Have you ever taken the time to notice that when you grab some quick food to go at your favorite fast food spot it never quite looks the same as it does in those appetizing and enticing photos you see in the advertisements?
Well, a man by the name of Greg Benson of Mediocre Films decided to do a fun little social experiment and put several fast food retailers to the test of making their food resemble that which is shown in their advertisements.
Benson visited McDonald’s, Burger Kings, Wendy’s and Jack In The Box and placed a simple order at each restaurant.… Full Story
(PCM) Recently, Domino’s Pizza has partnered up with technology company Nuance to create “Dom”, which is a mobile voice to assist customers with voice-enabled ordering.
Much like Apple’s Siri, “Dom” can be called upon for the Domino’s Pizza iOS or Android app. You can vocally tell “Dom” how you like your pizza and he will assist you with creating the perfect pizza pie.
While we have not tried it out for ourselves just yet, sources claim that “Dom” has a very natural and humanlike voice and the experience is meant to be the same as if you were ordering the pizza by phone and speaking with a real human being.… Full Story
(PCM) Bakery and restaurant chain Panera has revealed an all new policy regarding their food which is said to be fully in place by the year 2016. The company’s new promise is to remove all artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives from the food served in their restaurants.
The decision was made after numerous studies have shown that people have a growing dislike for food that is artificially processed and are more likely to seek out restaurants that are free of artificial substances and feature healthier alternatives.
Paneras’ food policy will not be the only change taking place within the company.… Full Story
(PCM) While, we are not really sure that anyone is going to spend 13-hours watching watching brisket cooking, but just in case that is your thing, Arby’s is willing to help you out.
After the company received numerous inquires as to whether or not their claim that the brisket on their new brisket sandwich is actually smoked for 13 hours, they have featured the brisket in their newest commercial. The commercial shows the entire 13-hour process of the brisket being smoked before it is then frozen and sent off to the individual restaurants.
Arby’s has created a special YouTube channel, called Arbys 13HourBrisket, and you can monotonously sit and watch the entire brisket smoking process for 13-hour straight.… Full Story
(PCM) How about a little Dom Perignon with your morning coffee? Delicious donut maker Krispy Kreme has unveiled the world’s most expensive donut and it not only features Dom Perignon jelly, but also features edible diamonds and 24k gold leaf and gold dusted white chocolate flowers.
Aptly titled the champagne donut, it carries a price tag of $1685 and is currently only available at one London department store called Selfridges. No use rushing out to your neighborhood Krispy Kreme looking for this delightful delicacy!
Good news is, that if you have deep enough pockets to afford this confectionery treat, rest assured that all proceeds from the sales of Krispy Kreme’s champagne donuts will be donated to charity.… Full Story
(PCM) Having a large backyard BBQ is one of the nation’s top ways to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with family and friends. Nothing beasts the taste of hamburgers and hot dogs straight from the grill, but did you know you are probably eating that juicy hamburger all wrong.
Nothing is more annoying than when you build the perfect burger filled with cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion and various condiments only have it all fall apart the second after you take your first delicious bite!
A new Japanese study has discovered the root of the problem. We are holding the burger all wrong.… Full Story
(PCM) Voice actor Lee Marshall, who is most well known as the iconic voice of Tony the Tiger, has passed away at the age of 64. Marshall’s cause of death was esophageal cancer and he passed away at a Santa …
We always love a good redemption story, so when it was brought to our attention that Burger King’s Subservient Chicken was back in action we could resist digging a little deeper and finding out just what happened after Subservient Chicken dropped out of the spotlight.
It was ten years ago when Subservient Chicken was at the very height of his popularity starring in advertisements for Burger King’s TenderCrisp campaign. The incredibly popular ad’s were interactive (something very cutting edge at the time) and people could visit the Subservient Chicken website and type in commands for him to complete all kinds of tasks such as moon walking, laying an egg, picking his nose and head banging to name a few.… Full Story