Man Tests Theory That A Piece Of Paper Cannot Be Folded More Than Seven Times

(PCM) A man has decided to experiment with the theory that a piece of paper cannot be folded more than seven times and even managed to incorporate the use of a hydraulic press. Using an A3 piece of regular paper, which is about 11 by 16 inches, the man folded the paper over a few…

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Will Anyone Ever Find Forrest Fenn’s Treasure?

(PCM) For years treasure hunters and thrill seeking enthusiasts have been on the quest to located a chest filled with treasures hidden by eccentric art collector Forrest Fenn somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Fenn has left several clues hidden within a poem that is supposed to lead seekers to the treasure chest and while many…

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Mind-blowing Strawberry Optical Illusion Leaves Us Mystified

(PCM) We can all remember the debate over #TheDress and #TheFlipFlops that drove folks on the internet into knock down drag out arguments over just what color these items happened to appear. The internet has once again graced us with yet another optical illusion thanks to Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a psychology professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto,…

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Woman Allegedly Captured a Ghost Photo While Visiting The Lizzie Borden House

(PCM) Painter Joanne Parent had quite the unnerving encounter while visit the infamous Lizzie Borden house bed & breakfast in Falls River, Massachusetts. It appears that while Parent was snapping photographs in the room that belonged to Abby Borden, she may have captured a bit more than she bargained for! When looking through her photographs…

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Woman Allegedly Captured a Ghost Photo While Visiting The Lizzie Borden House

(PCM) Painter Joanne Parent had quite the unnerving encounter while visit the infamous Lizzie Borden house bed & breakfast in Falls River, Massachusetts. It appears that while Parent was snapping photographs in the room that belonged to Abby Borde…

50 Facts You Thought Were True, But Weren’t

50 Facts You Thought Were True, But Weren’t A lot of people have been taught misconceptions. How many of these facts did you believe to be true? When you pour from cartons with a screw on top on one end, like oil for your car or broth that comes in boxes, why do they splash… Read More

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Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

(PCM) Stone Spheres of Isla de Caño, Costa Rica What: Over three hundred spheres of varying size (ranging from a few centimeters to 2 meters in diameter) scattered throughout the island. The largest weigh 30,000 pounds. Most are made of basalt (volcanic rock), but some are made of limestone or sandstone. They date back to… Read More

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Why Did They Remove Lenin’s Brain?

(PCM) Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin, was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He is credited with creation of the Soviet Union and was a feared political figure until this death at the young age of 53 in January of 1924. Lenin’s cause of death was a series of strokes… Read More

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Birthstones and Gemstones

A birthstone is a special gem dedicated to each month of the year, often due to beliefs that a stone’s mystical power is stronger during its month, or that the stone possesses a virtue that can be given only to those born that month. The concept of the birthstone has been a part of many… Read More

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What Is A Dirge? – Mourning Songs in Music

“What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss.” – Rob, High Fidelity (2000) Dirge. You… Read More

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U.S. Copyright Office Says Monkey Selfie Can’t Be Copyrighted

(PCM) The U.S. Copyright Office is siding with humans and has recently claimed that a photo taken by a monkey or any other type of artwork created by an animal can not be copyrighted by that animal. The office has made an update to their rules which now explain in-depth works that are not eligible… Read More

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A History of the Fist Pump

Fist Pump like a Champ : A History of the Fist Pump by Lisa Poirier (aMyth) It’s hard to escape it these days. It is sweeping the world like an epidemic. When you see someone’s fingers and thumb start to curl into their palm and they begin to raise their arm, there’s only one thing… Read More

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