Why Did They Remove Lenin’s Brain?

(PCM) Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin, was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He is credited with creation of the Soviet Union and was a feared political figure until this death at the young age of 53 in January of 1924. Lenin’s cause of death was a series of strokes… Read More

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Thomas Edison Was A Prankster

(PCM) Thomas Edison is often recognized as one of America’s greatest inventors and businessmen. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. Those devices include the phonograph, the motion picture film camera and most importantly the practical electric light bulb to only name a few.… Read More

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What Is A Dirge? – Mourning Songs in Music

“What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss.” – Rob, High Fidelity (2000) Dirge. You… Read More

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The Mysterious Jack The Ripper Case May Finally Be Solved

(PCM) The mysterious case of the London serial killer Jack The Ripper, who terrorized the city in the 1800’s by both killing and mutilating prostitutes, may have finally been solved. It is all thanks to a 48 year old  business man named Russell Edwards, who calls himself an “arm chair detective” and claims that the… Read More

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Boxer Sugar Ray Robinson’s Scary Premonition, Was It An Omen?

(PCM) In the year of 1947, boxing legend Sugar Ray Robinson was set to fight 22-year old boxer Jimmy Doyle for the Welterweight Championship. The fight took place on June 25th of 1947 and after being knocked out by a punch from Robinson that won the fight, Doyle never regained consciousness and died roughly about… Read More

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Man’s Three Word Obituary And Other Famous Last Words

(PCM) If you have seen the headlines recently that you have most likely heard about Stig Kernell of Sweden and his three word obituary that has since gone viral. Kernell had an incredible sense of humor right up until his death at age 92, so his obituary simply read ” I am dead”.  Those three… Read More

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Did You Hear This One About Andy?

Andy does not have a daughter born in 1989! Although she claimed to be Andy’s daughter in November of 2013, actress Alexandra Tatarsky is not. Many claim that he is still interred (buried) at Beth David Cemetery, next to his mother, Janice T. Kaufman. She was born in 1989, and was probably hired by Andy’s… Read More

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The Baby Eating Statue of Bern

  (aMyth) Completed in 1546, the “Kindlifresserbrunnen” is a fountain in Bern, Switzerland. Translated, the name means “Fountain of the Eater of Little Children”. For nearly 500 years the fountain has been a reminder for the children of Bern to behave, in particular around Switzerland’s Fastnacht, or ”Night of Fasting” festival, during the week after… Read More

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The Mysterious And Unexplained Disappearance Of Pilot Felix Moncla

(PCM) Was it a UFO,some kind of spontaneous combustion or just a freak accident? These are the questions we have to ask ourselves when delving into the mysterious and unexplained disappearance of United States Air Force Pilot Felix Moncla. read more

The Mysterious Case Of ‘The Girl In Blue’ And How It Was Eventually Solved!

(PCM) On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1933, a mysterious, yet friendly visitor to the town of Willoughby, Ohio walked directly in front of a moving train and was tragically killed. No one in the area had any idea of the young woman’s identity and…