Technology Fluke Leads To Only Pre-War Television Footage In Existence!

(PCM) A very strange occurrence took place in the year of 1938, when two RCA engineers in New York City managed to pick up a “televisor” signal from the BBC due to freak weather incident (one in which the conditions had to be just right) and this footage is said to be the only pre-war…

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Curious About What Humans Will Look Like 1,000 Years From Now?

(PCM) Human beings as a species are constantly evolving and with the continued growth of technology, it leads us to wonder just where human evolution will end up in the next 1,000 years or so. We have always heard the rumors that there will eventually be chips implanted under our skin for identification and different…

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Mysterious Superhenge Discovered At Famed Stonehenge Site

(PCM) England’s famed circle of bluestone columns known as Stonehenge has always been shrouded in mystery and now according to CNN, archaeologists have discovered that the mystery surrounding Stonehenge is even deeper than we imagined. The archaeologists have discovered what they believe to be traces of an even larger stone formation, which they are deeming… Read More

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Melt Your Brain With This Insane Optical Illusion, Then Find Out How It Works!

(PCM) The optical illusion that is showcased below took second place in the Illusion Of The Year contest and it has since gone viral thanks to Reddit with individuals trying hard to wrap their minds around just how this trick was completed. The illusion was created by Kokichi Sugihara at Meiji University in Japan and is called… Read More

The post Melt Your Brain With This Insane Optical Illusion, Then Find Out How It Works! appeared first on Weird But True News.

Technology Fluke Leads To Only Pre-War Television Footage In Existence!

(PCM) A very strange occurrence took place in the year of 1938, when two RCA engineers in New York City managed to pick up a “televisor” signal from the BBC due to freak weather incident (one in which the conditions had to be just right) and this footage is said to be the only pre-war…

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Conspiracy Theorists Claim Ancient Greek Sculpture Depicts A Laptop Computer

(PCM) Conspiracy theorists are now claiming solid evidence of time travel, as they feel the ancient Greek sculpture, “Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant” depicts the female assistant holding a laptop computer with two USB ports. Historians are countering this claim by saying that this assistant is actually holding a wax tablet, however…

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Mysterious Superhenge Discovered At Famed Stonehenge Site

(PCM) England’s famed circle of bluestone columns known as Stonehenge has always been shrouded in mystery and now according to CNN, archaeologists have discovered that the mystery surrounding Stonehenge is even deeper than we imagined. The archaeologists have discovered what they believe to be traces of an even larger stone formation, which they are deeming… Read More

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A Look Back At The Very First Cell Phone Call

(PCM) Over the last decade cell phones have become a huge part of our everyday lives, in fact, many of us feel completely naked if we happen to forget our phones at home or in the car and in turn freak out about what we may be missing all day long! (Trust us, it’s really not… Read More

The post A Look Back At The Very First Cell Phone Call appeared first on Pop Culture News.

Melt Your Brain With This Insane Optical Illusion, Then Find Out How It Works!

(PCM) The optical illusion that is showcased below took second place in the Illusion Of The Year contest and it has since gone viral thanks to Reddit with individuals trying hard to wrap their minds around just how this trick was completed. The illusion was created by Kokichi Sugihara at Meiji University in Japan and is called… Read More

The post Melt Your Brain With This Insane Optical Illusion, Then Find Out How It Works! appeared first on Weird But True News.

Five Tips to Help You Manage a Company Overseas

5 Tips to Help You Manage a Company Overseas Managing a company overseas presents unique challenges, unlike any you’ll see when running a business in the city where you live. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it, but you should prepare yourself for the changes you need to make to manage your company from afar […]

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Technology Fluke Leads To Only Pre-War Television Footage In Existence!

(PCM) A very strange occurrence took place in the year of 1938, when two RCA engineers in New York City managed to pick up a “televisor” signal from the BBC due to freak weather incident (one in which the conditions had to be just right) an…