40 by 40 With Sammi: Item 21, Recipe 6

I made yet another recipe for Item 21 in my 40 by 40 bucket list challenge. It was another breakfast one, but delicious nonetheless. It is called Ashford and Simpson Eggs and is quite simple and budget friendly. As always, I have to paraphrase the recipe because of copyright laws. I actually halved the recipe […]

40 By 40 Item 21: Cook Every Recipe in a Cookbook Julie and Julia Style

I began the next item on my #40by40WithSammi Bucket List Challenge. As you know, I chose From Crook to Cook by Snoop Dogg for my cookbook. I chose his Mack and Cheese recipe to start, which is a recipe from his wife. Below is the recipe, my thoughts and what I liked or would change. […]

40 by 40 Bucket List Challenge Item 23: Take A Class Out Of My Comfort Zone

I am proud to say I am able to check the first item off my 40 by 40 Bucket List Challenge. I decided to begin with item 23: Take a class on something completely out of my comfort zone. This one was easy to do, since like most of the country, I am under quarantine/under a […]

40 by 40 With Sammi Intro

It is March 24th, 2020. My half birthday. I know you are reading this and thinking…who the (BLEEP) celebrates a half birthday over the age of five? I am not celebrating it, however, I am simply stating that in three and a half years I will be forty. The BIG 4-OH! Four decades old. It […]