The psychological thriller and horror film ‘A Dark Foe,’ features courageous Selma Blair (Mom and Dad, Hellboy, Legally Blonde), in the movie she shot before announcing that she is battling Multiple sclerosis, Academy Award nominee Graham Greene, (Dances With Wolves, Wind River), Bill Bellamy, (Insecure), Ireland Baldwin, (Grudge Match), Julie Gonzalo, (Supergirl), Tokala Black Elk, (Yellowstone, Skins), Jon Lindstrom (True Detective), Kenzie Dalton (Feud), and newcomer Oscar Cardenas, (The Grand Guignol, Bon Appetit) in the role of tortured FBI agent Tony Cruz. From young Venezuelan director, Maria Gabriela Cardenas (23 years old at the time of filming), in her feature-length debut, “A Dark Foe,” tells the story about a guilt-ridden FBI agent diagnosed with Nyctophobia -a psychological neurosis that sees him paralyzed when the lights go out- on the hunt for a maniac serial killer in a harrowing underworld of sex and death where a demon from his childhood awaits. Early reviews have praised “A Dark Foe as “A compelling story, decidedly dark, unhinged, ”a film with “gruesome personality”, “Razor-sharp style”, “stuffed with exceptional thriller bits,” “excellent moments of intelligent …
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