HBO Max surely has a hit on their hands with the upcoming premiere of Raised By Wolves! The show was created by Aaron Guzikowski and Ridley Scott and focuses on the relationship between androids and humans after mass devastation has taken place on Earth. Upon watching we found ourselves immediately engrossed with the story and while it is chock full of science fiction elements the show itself is far from your typical sci-fi fodder. There is a much deeper thread that runs throughout this series, as it focuses on various aspects of human relationships, survival, religion and beliefs and so much more. It was also refreshing to watch a show that always keeps you guessing, as of right from the start you can never be just too sure of who is the hero and who is the villain and we found ourselves analyzing each and every detail looking for those answers, which are never made completely clear, as there are always two sides to every story. We recently had a chance to catch up with series stars Amanda Collin (Mother) …
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