First Look At Robert Pattinson As Batman

A brief video has popped up on Vimeo under the account of director Matt Reeves that gives us our first glimpse of actor Robert Pattinson as Batman. The upcoming film will not be released until June of 2021, however, fans have been eager to see just what Pattinson will look like donning the infamous bat suit. The upcoming film will mark the tenth film dedicated to everyone’s favorite Dark Knight and will be titled “The Batman”. It is said to be a follow-up to Zak Snyder’s “Batman v. Superman.  You can watch the video clip below: The Batman – Camera Test from Matt Reeves on Vimeo. Other characters confirmed by the director that we haven’t seen yet are Zoë Kravitz, who will be playing Catwoman, Jeffrey Wright, who will be stepping into the role of Commissioner Gordon to bring order and justice to the dark streets of Gotham City, or the mysterious Paul Dano, who will be playing the evil genius. Andy Serkis will be appearing in the movie as Bruce Wayne’s right-hand man and confidant, Alfred.

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Colin Farrell Rumored To Be In Negotiations To Play Penguin In Upcoming ‘Batman’ Film

We can hardly contain our excitement for all the casting news and rumors that are popping up for Matt Reeve’s upcoming “Batman” film. We have now learned that actor Colin Farrell is rumored to be in negotiations to portray Penguin in the film. It is also rumored that actor Andy Serkis will be taking on the role of Alfred. If casting works out then these two will be joining Robert Pattinson as Batman, Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as Mystery Man and Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon. Filming is scheduled to start at the end of the year or in early 2020. We can only imagine that this remarkable cast will continue to grow and we certainly hope that negotiations will be worked out with both Farrell and Serkis as they will be excellent additions to this star-studded cast. It will be fantastic to see Farrell in the role of a villain once again, as we have not seen that side of him since his role in “Daredevil” opposite Ben Affleck.

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‘Black Panther’ Character Posters Released

black pantherMarvel Studios‘ ‘Black Panther‘ has released new character posters. The next installment in the Marvel cinematic universe is Ryan Coogler‘s superhero epic, and now it’s only three months away! We’ve already seen the film’s multiple trailers, which have given us a pretty good look at life in Wakanda, as well as the overall story of the more »

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